Card Case - Standard USA Chimera 58x89
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Gaming Accessories
Card Holders
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Item Description
Card case to fit size Standard USA Chimera 57.5 x 89 cards, with a bit of extra space for the plastic sleeves.
Three sizes included small, medium and large, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm respectively. The approx. number of cards that fit each case are:
| Small Case | Medium Case | Large Case |
No Sleeves | 120 | 195 | 275 |
With Sleeves | 80 | 130 | 180 |
Base Object
Included Files:
BaseGeo/Large/LargeBase.stl BaseGeo/Large/LargeLid.stl BaseGeo/Medium/MediumBase.stl BaseGeo/Medium/MediumLid.stl BaseGeo/Small/SmallBase.stl BaseGeo/Small/SmallLid.stl